Monday 14 June 2010


Much has been made about the new ball - the Jabulani. It has been criticised by a lot of goalkeepers and defenders in particular, who have complained that it is difficult to control. Could this be the reason why Green and Chaouchi fumbled?

Personally, aside from those 2 incidents, I haven't seen too much of a change with the ball. But of course, I'm not playing with it. I have seen more shots on goal with the ball from what look like improbable ranges but that's about it really. Will be interesting to see if any other keepers let in howlers though. It's an easy thing to blame on though. Keep an eye out for that one!

Also an update on Ledley King: apparently, he might not miss out on the rest of the tournament. But the FA have said that they will keep him monitored on a daily basis. Sounds ominous...

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