Thursday 17 June 2010

Careful what you may just come back to haunt you...

I found out that the Germans have been using the new and much criticised Jabulani ball for the past 6 months. However, so have France and make of that what you will...

Also, in response to Beckenbauer's comments about the English style of play: well quite frankly, I don't think he should be judging the way we play after only one game. I know Germany were great in their opening game, but could it be that they've peaked too early? England are not the only team to have got off to a shaky start, just ask the Spaniards. So really Mr. Beckenbauer should save his comments for a later date and come and watch a Premier League game or two, because regardless of what he says, there is domestic talent out there. If England get further than Germany in the competition, well needless to say that Mr. Beckenbauer will be munching on a humble pie or two...

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